Last night my family and I went to a Robin Mark concert.

For those of who do not know who he is… What is wrong with you!?

I kid.

But seriously, Robin Mark is one the most gifted song writer and worship leader we have in the church today. He is a wonderful story-teller (the Irish accent may help) and performs spirit filled “concerts”.

And he works to include the audience. So to hear 500 people singing “Jesus, All For Jesus” last night accapella was a moving experience, and you could easily see it was for the band as well.

Yes I kind of snuck out of town for three days to get to this concert, but I needed it.

I am about to start a very busy season in the church. Our 105th anniversary is this weekend in our church. Remembrance services begin this week at all the schools and in the community. This will all follow very quickly with Advent and Christmas.

I needed a big dose of Jesus before this all begins. I knew I would receive that in this concert.

Jesus is why we do these things. Jesus is the celebration of our churches. Jesus is our life blood, the gift we receive. Our breath, our song. And last night I was reminded of this.

We do all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. None other. None greater.

Here is the song I mentioned earlier.

click here if your are having trouble seeing the video.

Who do you do live for?