We at Cruxifusion continue to pray for the United Church of Canada as it prepares for General Council 42 this summer.

a new heartHoly Lord,

Your church is a gift.
It is a beacon of hope in a world which is lost.
It is a home for the broken so we can receive healing.
It is a home for sinners so we can be forgiven.

Help us to find hope.
Help us to be healed.
Help us to receive your abundant mercy and grace.

We pray for those who are preparing to be leaders in this church.
We pray for our commissioners.
We pray for our nominees for moderator.
We pray for Nora and Gary.

We pray your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Help us to turn from our own desires and dreams.
Let us see your desire, your plan, your dream for this world.

Lead us, O God.
For without you we will remain lost, broken and sinful.

But with you…
With you we are lights in a darkened world.
With you we are healers and seekers of justice.
With you we can do things beyond our wildest dreams.

Stir in our hearts, move us with your Spirit.

This we pray in the strong name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.