“When In Doubt” – Sermon, April 11, 2010

“When In Doubt” John 20:19-31 After Easter, I’m sure many of you felt a bit of a let down. Like Christmas, there is this build-up to the big weekend. We prepare ourselves for Good Friday, then on Sunday morning there is the great celebration. Then we go home....

“Open Wide” – Sermon, Easter Sunday, 2010

“Open Wide” John 20:1-18 When you got up this morning, what did you do? Probably the same thing you did yesterday morning, right? You might have slept in a little bit today, or maybe you got up a little earlier than usual because of children or you went to the sunrise...

“There or Not?” – Sermon, March 28, 2010

“There or Not?” Luke 19:28-40 Growing up I made regular trips to Cape Breton. Family vacation when I was small, my grade 6 school trip was to Baddeck and Louisburg, in my teens I was here pretty much every year for basketball. And then, of course, I met Bev in...

Second Chance – Sermon, March 7, 2010

“Second Chance” Luke 13:1-9 There’s so much going on in the world these days. First we were devastated to see the destruction in Haiti. Then there was the celebration of life and unity in the Olympics. Then as the Olympics wind down, another huge earthquake. The...