Tending the Soil

“Tending the Soil” Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 I want to start off today with asking a few questions. You don’t need to answer out loud, just think them over. There is no right or wrong answer. In fact, these questions are very open to interpretation. You may react...


“Perfection” Romans 6:12-23;Matthew 10:40-42 Who are we? What are we about? Well, this summer we are a community of a number of churches who have come together for worship. Each church has its own little differences. We each have our own style of worship. You may...

“Out of the Believer’s Heart”

“Out of the Believer’s Heart” Acts 2:1-21; John 7:37-39 There are many Holy Days in our church calendar. Days where we celebrate different aspects of Jesus’ life: his birth, his baptism, his fasting in the wilderness, his death and most importantly, his...

In His Name

“In His Name” John 17:1-11 This morning we hear a few words of the prayer Jesus offers for his disciples. He has just finished teaching his disciples a few last lessons after washing their feet in the upper room, where they had their last meal together. After these...

Stranger Danger

“Stranger Danger” John 10:1-10 When we let children go out to play, or maybe when they start walking to school, what is one of the key rules we drill into their heads? “Don’t talk to strangers!” We want to protect our children. As adults we know there are some...

Walking the Road

“Walking the Road” Luke 24: 13-35 I think most of you know I didn’t grow up in the church. When I was growing up I did typical “kid stuff”. I played with my friends, I played sports, I went to school… normal stuff. But there was an interesting trend when I...