Easter Sunday Sermon

A shortened sermon for Easter Sunday due to the sheer volume of the service, which is good! Lots of involvement! “The Tomb is Empty!” April 8th, 2007, Luke 24:1-12 Leadership magazine had a story about little Philip, born with Down’s syndrome. He attended a...

Sermon March 18

Hey, at least I’m updating with something 😉 “Whither Dost Thou Wander” March 18, 2007, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Feeling footloose and frisky, a feather-brained fellow forced his fond father to fork over the farthings, and flew far to foreign fields and frittered...

“Bearing Fruit”

Here is my sermon, more or less, from last Sunday… “Bearing Fruit” March 11, 2007, Luke 13:1-9 Imagine the police knocking on your door one day, accompanied by a scruffy ex-convict, whom only yesterday you befriended. As thanks for your generosity, the...

Sermon, March 4

I’ve contemplated putting my sermons back on here, but haven’t been too sure if I feel like it or not. So here’s yesterdays, just for kicks! 🙂 “Gathering Us Together” March 4, 2007, Luke 13:31-35 Some things that appear dangerous are actually...

Sermon – June 18, 2006

“Nurturing the Seed of Life” Mark 4: 26-34 Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who lived in seclusion wrote this which later ended up in a book entitled He Is Risen So we are called not only to believe that Christ once rose from the dead, thereby proving that he...

Sermon – Feb 19, 2006

“We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” Mark 2:1-12 Click the title of the sermon for recorded version (6.5MB) Who here this morning has pets? Have your pets done anything that completely surprised you? Something that you never, ever expected you’d see?...