Sermon – October 4th, 2009 “Against the Foundation

Against the Foundation Mark 10:2-16; Genesis 2:18-24 I came across the following comparison chart when doing a little research for this morning’s sermon. It’s called “Love vs Marriage”: Love: When you take a bubble bath together Marriage: When you give the...

Ascending and Becoming

(Luke 24:44-53) And then he was gone! Jesus took them to a place, taught them one last time how he fulfilled the scriptures… and he was gone! We don’t often hear the scripture readings we’ve heard this morning. At least not United Church worship. The...

Sermon August 17/08 – “Heart vs Mouth”

“Heart vs Mouth” August 17, 2008 – Matthew 15:10-28 This morning we read of a Jesus we don’t like to see do we. This morning we see Jesus refusing to help someone. A foreign woman in need has come to Jesus for help, and instead of helping her, he calls her...

Sermon July 20, 2008 – “Harvest Time”

“Harvest Time” July 20, 2008 – Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 There were times when I was growing up when we tended to avoid heading to my grandparent’s places. Usually this was around haying time. Instead of having a relaxing day sitting and talking with family,...