Once again a student supply position has proved very enriching and affirming for me. I spent January to April in the Sambro-Jollimore pastoral charge, and today I spent my last Sunday with the fine folks in Fairview after spending two months with them.

This summer was great, much more than I had anticipated. This is a congregation that is about to undergo many changes. They will soon begin the long process of discerning their needs and looking for a new minister. They also are working on their own internal processes and leadership so that they load is better shared, and things run more smoothly.

Initially I wasn’t sure what to expect in this community, but when I got there and met them, I knew they were looking for some fun. So my guitar and I tried to lift some spirits. Feedback over the summer was great, and they told me today that we did indeed have fun together, and it was what they needed.

We mourned together in funerals, we celebrated together in worship, and we shared stories together in fellowship. I also learned some things about myself that I will attempt to work on during internship, proving for sure this experience was a great prep for me.  Not only did I fill a need for the church, but they also filled a need for me in learning a bit more about myself and how efficiently (or inefficiently) I work in ministry.

Many thanks to the people of Fairview, and I’ll be watching closely as to your progress through the coming months.