
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

SONY DSCWith probably much dismay to my grandparents, I am not a very good gardner. I know very little about plants and what is good for what. It’s got a little to do with the fact I’ve not had much of a yard to grow anything in during my adult life. It’s not easy to have gardens in apartments.

I understand the theory. Good soil. Water. Sunlight. All those are important. I know some plants can be broken apart in some way to share with neighbours or friends. I know some plants need to be pruned in order to grow more fully. Just which ones? Which branches? What time of year?

I do know a tree which has brought much fruit from just one branch.

God chose a holy people thousands of years ago, preparing them, water them, giving them light and good soil. Pruning them into shape.

From those people came Jesus to shape the world in which we live. He came not just for the chosen people, he came for the whole world. He came to show us the fruits of God’s labour and to offer us freely the same promises made so long ago. Hope, peace, joy and love.

Lord God, Your work is still in progress, as is my heart. Help me to grow into
Your likeness as one who loves deeply and shares this love with the whole world. Amen.