10 years!!

And what an wonderful, adventuresome 10 years it has been. Bev and I walked down the aisle May 16, 1998. I can guarantee that we had no idea that 10 years later we would be sitting in a house in Halifax waiting for the final year of my MDiv to begin. As with any...

So much…

1. So much time has passed since my last post. 2. So much to write about: reflecting on internship, the move back to Halifax, etc… 3. So much to think about: the environment, politics, the state of the church, things happening in the world around us. I’m...

Sermon, April 20-08

“Living the Way, Truth and Light” April 20/08, John 14:1-14 “I am the Way, and the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Do we believe this? What do these words say to us today? We live in a world that has changed a lot, even in...

Remembering Virginia Tech

Exactly one year ago we turned on our televisions and saw the horror happening at Virginia Tech. A shooting rampage taking 32 innocent lives before the shooter took his own. It’s important we remember what happened this day, and as Christians to reflect on what...

How did this happen???

I don’t watch much reality TV… in fact almost never. So this stunned me…. I know you will see some spiritual songs on occasion, but to offer something so blatantly Christian is surprising… even for Fox! Or maybe I should say “especially...