All Alone

Scripture Reading: John 18:12-27 Before we dig into this morning’s text, we should pause for a moment and remember what happened at the end of John 13 as Jesus had the last supper with his friends. This encounter happened after what we looked at last week, where...

No One Is Greater

Scripture Reading: John 13:1-17 Have you ever had someone do something for you, an act which may have even seemed small at the time, but you realize later it was a huge thing they did? Maybe someone bought you something you needed which you realized later was a big...

Now I See

Scripture: John 9:1-41 Some of you know that last month Bev and I went to a play at the Highland Arts Theatre. For Christmas someone gave us the package deal of taking in all five plays over the winter and spring season. As we went for the first time, as part of the...

Finding Life

Scripture: John 4:1-42 When I was in high school, I found things to be tough. When I look back, I can see it started in junior high. As I became more and more focused on sports, I saw less and less of my friends from my earlier childhood. There’s nothing...

Choose Life

Scripture: John 3:1-21 When Anna was in grade 1, I think it was, she brought home a plant they had started in class. It was a nice little plant in a little cup with pretty little flowers. Our reaction to bringing home this plant was, “Isn’t that nice…...

Reaching Out. Together.

The following is my sermon from the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service. Scripture: Mark 5:21-43 Do you realize you are in the presence of Cape Breton’s newest star of the stage? On Wednesday evening Bev and I went to the Highland Arts Theatre to see “Of...