The Going Is Good

Here’s a pattern in the Bible. It happens over and over again. Life is rough. God intercedes. Life is good. Yes, it’s a simplification, but it’s there. But then life gets rough again. People die. Invaders overtake the land. People are expelled....

Biblical Religion

I didn’t preach this past weekend, but we read from the first chapter of James during the service. It’s a passage I love. But here’s the verses that really speaks to me when I think of people out there who say, “I’m spiritual but not...

state of shock

I truly am in a bit of a state of shock this week. I don’t expect it to ease much at all over the next little while. As some of you may know, the United Church of Canada had it’s triennial General Council meetings this summer. Overall, when I looked at the...

Questions for leadership hopefuls

In just a few weeks the United Church of Canada will begin its General Council meetings, held every three years. Part of the work to be done will be to elect a new moderator (spiritual leader) for the next 3 years. As part of the board for Cruxifusion, I was able to...

A Plea to the Generations

The other day my wife found this post and shared it with me, “a plea to spiritual fathers to stop eating their young”. It hit home. I didn’t grow up in the church. I didn’t know Jesus Christ in my life until my late 20s so I have no ties to the...

So, what are you gonna do about it?

This week I’ve had some discussions and read some great blog posts from the perspective of young adults and their impressions of the church. One excellent article is this one: “a letter from an exhausted/exasperated young person who has a complicated...