On Anniversaries

Yesterday I celebrated my 3rd anniversary of ordination in the United Church of Canada. That day rewarded the end of a very long, difficult, challenging, isolating process. The problem is, not a lot has changed. I am of a certain theological perspective that is not...

The Ministry of Ministry Recruitment

With a title like that for a post, I feel like I should break into some sort of Monty Python skit. But I shall resist. Today my denomination is advertising a position in the national office with the title, “Program Coordinator for Ministry Recruitment” The...

It’s Time to Re-Imagine

It’s no question to many, many people that the way the church functions today as an institution needs to change. I hear it from the people who sit in the pews, I hear it from clergy, I even hear it from people on the street. Of course this doesn’t apply to...

I Don’t Know How To Feel…

I’m not sure how I’m feeling right now… I was at the Cape Breton edition of the Nova Scotia Leadership Prayer Breakfast this morning. Always an enjoyable event, this year I was in the presence of Cindy Klassen, multiple Olympic medalist, and her...

Doctrine… shmoctrine

Over the last few months the United Church of Canada has spent some good amount of time on doctrine. Now, contrary to what the title of this post may imply, I do believe talking about doctrine (what we believe) to be an important thing. But we’re doing it wrong....