live second – a review

It’s taken me a while to pick up this book. I’ve been busy. I’ve been in important meetings helping people make important decisions. I’ve been in demand. And it’s worn me out. I’ve neglected my relationship with God. So I’ve...

Emergence Christianity – Phyllis Tickle (a review)

I’ve heard a bit about Phyllis Tickle over the last year, she seems to like to write about this new form of Christianity coming about referred to as “emergence”. So when I had the chance to pick up a copy of her latest book, Emergence Christianity, I...

2012 Year in Review

Lots going on in 2012, and while I may not have been able to blog as often as I would have liked, I thank all of you for reading and conversing with me over the year. The blog has been busy, despite my lack of posting (especially in the final quarter) and here are...

I Am Second – a review

There are stories and there are stories. Some make you smile, others make you think. Some break your heart, others bring you joy. When I picked up I Am Second, I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I scanned the list of names who contributed to this book, I...