The Cry of a People

As I was sitting eating breakfast this morning I was tuned into the news, catching up on the latest happenings. They did a piece on the famine in Somalia and the larger drought affected Horn of Africa. It’s the worst drought in 60 years we’re told. People...

Where’s The Mystery?

I was catching up on some blog reading and was intrigued by a post by Skye Jethani called Worship Through A Child’s Eyes. In short, Skye noticed his daughter was taking notes while visiting other churches. She later shared with him the following observations...

Lack of updates

Yes I know, I know… there’s been a lack of updates here again. However, I did have a guest post over on Shape Of Their Light earlier this week on “The God Our Children Don’t Believe In” if you are interested. Go and check it out! Enjoyed...

What a Mess!

One sure fire way to know if a major Christian festival has taken place, and you don’t have a calendar around, is to look at your pastor’s desk. If you can find it. The season of Lent and the Easter celebrations have come and gone, and we now bask in the...

Post-Theism and the Church

As usual the national magazine for my denomination gets me… ummm… thinking. The latest edition contains an article about the post-theistic church. It describes churches that have been moving away from God language and music in favour of more contemporary...