Easter Sermon – “He Is Not Here”

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 On Friday, everything seemed so dark. It seemed like the weight of the world came down on our shoulders. Jesus died! He hung there on the cross, accepting his fate, that death would win the day. The news of Good Friday does not end on the...

Sunrise sermon – it’s our story too

This week we did a strange thing together as Christians. Did you notice it? This past week during our lunches we did something new, and it was a little odd. What was it? Our theme for the week was “Singing our way to the cross!” What do we most associate singing with?...

He Is Risen!

He is risen! Jesus Christ, he who died on the cross… HE LIVES!!! The tomb is empty. The stone rolled away. Jesus Christ is ALIVE! Death could not defeat him. The tomb could not hold him. And now our Saviour, the Son of God lives! This is an incredible day. A day...

What a Mess!

One sure fire way to know if a major Christian festival has taken place, and you don’t have a calendar around, is to look at your pastor’s desk. If you can find it. The season of Lent and the Easter celebrations have come and gone, and we now bask in the...

Sermon, April 6-08

“Walking the Road Together” April 6/08, Luke 24:13-35, Acts 2:14a, 32-41 A few weeks ago, I asked you to watch the reactions of those who have come to know and encounter Jesus Christ after his resurrection. Last week we saw Thomas and the disciples. This week we...