against the grain – part 1

There is a popular movement these days it seems. Not one I really thought I’d have to deal with. Certainly not one I want to deal with. After all, I thought people had integrity of character to be honest and real with one another. Oh, and to not do harm. But it...


Hope is a funny thing. We hope for lots of things. We hope for good weather on the weekend. We hope for that new job. We hope someday we’ll cure the world’s horrible diseases. We hope our friends will be healed. But there’s so much more hope that can...

Robin Williams… I wasn’t going to do it…

I wasn’t going to make a post about Robin Williams. I was going to leave it for the “experts” and those who knew him personally. But last night we watched one of my favourite all-time movies, Dead Poets Society, and I need to say something. When you...


Pentecost is a big day in the church. It’s the day God sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples. From there they began the church. In a way it’s the church’s birthday today. But as I think about it, I’m not sure I want to call it that. Birthdays...

five years

Five years ago tonight I stood on an outdoor stage on a lovely spring evening in Montreal in front of hundreds of people. And in one quick moment both ended one journey and began another. Five years ago tonight, I moved from being a candidate/ordinand/student to...

yf – you did it again

Yup, you sure did. You rocked my world. You changed lives. You inspired some. You moved some to explore ministry for themselves. You helped others become aware of pain in their lives and take those first steps towards healing. For me, you affirmed my call. You helped...